Sunday, 24 April 2011

Revision Procrastination, Football, Snooker and Cars

In an effort to avoid facing up to the necessary revision for my impending exams ('the fear' must surely come soon...) I've been focusing my mind on other things of perhaps dubious productive merit...


Dad's MGB GT 1968
Right... I want a car. Not just any car though. I want a classic.

I went to see an MGB GT which a guy was selling near Aberdeen, but after seeing it close up, we were pretty quick to walk away. I'm keen to do a bit of a restoration project, and my dad's done a lot of work on his MGB GT as well since acquiring it a few years ago, but this one was frankly scrap material despite the photographs having looked a little more kindly on its condition. There's solid cars out there; we've just got to find one.

My dad's first car: Rover P6 (2000SC) 1969
I'm not just looking at MGBs, much as my dad's experience with them would really come in handy. Snooping around some other options as well, I wouldn't mind some sort of 4-door saloon of the same era. I quite like the look of the Rover and Triumph 2000s or a Hillman Minx (I particularly like the look of the Series V). With any luck I'll be able to build up some savings over the summer to acquire something and maybe get some work done and MOT/Insurance covered. I'll keep you all posted.


First game I've seen in ages yesterday. Jags beat Morton 2-0 in a slightly scrappy game, but one we were never in danger of losing. Cracking goal from Erskine and a decent right-footed rebound from Boyle to wrap up the points. Youngster Jamie Campbell had a reasonably good shift at right midfield and Kris Doolan and Tommy Stewart were both unlucky not to get on the score-sheet. This will be my last game of the season as the University of Glasgow/School of Law have, in their infinite wisdom, decided to schedule the Commercial Law exam between 2pm and 4pm on a Saturday, clashing with the final home match against title contenders Raith Rovers. It's been a funny old season and with McCall out the door we could have another period of transition, but such as is life.


Part of my procrastination schedule has involved a passing interest in this year's World Snooker Championships. Nothing much to write home about yet, but Ronnie O'Sullivan's been pegged back a bit by Shaun Murphy. Sounds like Stephen Hendry's on the verge of retirement, which is a bit of a shame. Great player in his day but lost his way in recent years.

Anyway, Politics exam on Thursday morning, which I've done precious little preparation for. Better get back to work!

Monday, 4 April 2011

Today's Quote: Tax Avoidance

"No man in this country is under the smallest obligation, moral or other, so to arrange his legal relations to his business or to his property as to enable the Inland Revenue to put the largest possible shovel into his stores."

Ayrshire Pullman Motor Services and Ritchie v. IRC (1929) 14 TC 754, Lord Clyde at p764

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Thought for the day

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do."